Day 15 of DSA Challenge

Rise and Shine. One more day playing with recursion. I tried solving two new problems that I found out. However, I wasn't able to solve the second one. But still, I got this one down. In this case, I was asked to remove the middle element of the stack.

Stacks are data structures that are stored in a manner like a pile of books one over the other. And the book at the top of all will be the first to be taken out. That very similar logic I applied to solve this problem. I kept storing elements in some memory locations until I removed the middle element and after removing the middle element. I started putting those elements back into the stack.

class Solution
    //Function to delete middle element of a stack.
    void solve(stack<int>&st, int sizeOfStack, int count){
        if(count == sizeOfStack/2){

        int num =;

        solve(st, sizeOfStack, count+1);


    void deleteMid(stack<int>&s, int sizeOfStack)
        int count = 0;
        solve(s, sizeOfStack, count);